This classic animation style has been used for decades in films, television shows, advertisements, and video games to tell stories, convey emotions, and entertain audiences. In 2D animation, characters, backgrounds, and objects are typically drawn on a two-dimensional plane without depth. It involves creating individual frames that are played in rapid succession to give the impression of motion. What is 2D Animation?ĢD animation is a traditional animation technique that creates the illusion of movement through a series of hand-drawn or digitally created images. So, let’s embark on this journey of discovery and unravel the magic behind 2D and 3D animation. Understanding the distinctions between these two techniques is crucial for aspiring animators, enthusiasts, and professionals in the field. From classic hand-drawn animations to cutting-edge computer-generated imagery, both 2D and 3D animation have made remarkable strides in capturing our imagination and pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.